Friday, May 20, 2011

Surat untuk the future Nina..and Cik Nina membebel lagi!:)

You kenal tak i ni sape?
Cuba u tengok di cermin.
*Nina melihat refleksi dirinya di cermin*
Nina:Ei I ke tu?Apesal baju i tak lawa?
Nina dalam dulu sangat2 malas belajar!You asyik langsung lupa diri! Sekarang you jadi macam tu! Macam kucing kurap! Ini hasil kemalasan you,Nina!
 Nina:Ah tidak!!! *sambil menjerit nyaring*
Nina terjaga dari tidurnya,dia berpeluh-peluh.Terus dia duduk dan beristighfar.Alhamdulillah itu semua mimpi.Nina belum lagi ke matrik,sebab hari ni baru 20 Mei.

Untuk future Nina yang berumur 18+ hingga 24+,
  Ingat lagi tak cita-cita kau dulu?ala waktu you sekolah menegah dulu?ingat tak?ingat tak?Hah,you nak jadi peguam kan?kan?So Cik Nina yang i sayang(sebab you adalah diri i sendiri),please study betul betul kat matrik ok?please! Sebab kalau tak dapat above 3.0 kena tendang tahu! So cuba you bayangkan kalau you kena tendang..ei,malunye.Kesiankan la mak bapak you sebab walaupun you ni macam anak manja gitu..tapi tolonglah fikir tenaga dan duit mak bapak you habiskan untuk tak kesian ke?Ingat tak pesan mak you,katanya,anak tak cukup bulan macam you sebenarnya genius..tapi kenapa ye you buat perkara semuanya tak serius?Ya,sebab you tu..fikir kesenangan datang bergolek! Huh.Ceteknya fikiran you.=='

Oh ya Cik Nina..please jangan gatal-gatal dah nak bercinta lepas ni.Sebab you tak boleh nak balance antara study and love.Itu sangat obvious bila SPM you merudum jatuh ke tanah! Sebab cinta, cant handle both!You bukan macam kawan-kawan you yang cant Nina,you cant.Please jangan main dengan api cinta dah lepas ni had your lesson learnt.=='

And Cik Nina..please study hard! Jangan main-main dah lepas ni..please?You kena speed,tapi mesti dekat safe track.Jangan silap track,nanti accident.You..kalau you tak faham tolong la pergi tanya lecturer you..jangan senyap boleh tak?Dan jangan buat-buat faham.Please..sebab you buat-buat faham tu la fizik you menjunam ke hell.ouch.ada yang butthurt?Maaf,lolz.And tanya la kawan-kawan baru you..jangan egois,sebab you ego dalam semua perkara.

You kan Nina...degil tahu.You kena jugak minat maths Nina,kena! Walau you lari ke Istanbul sekalipun,still you have to learn maths!You nak ambik law nanti pun you kena ade maths!Jangan jadi bodoh kata nak lari dari maths la..because you can never hides from it!Contonhya kan kalau you terperangkap dekat still have to count 1,2,3 sebelum rempuh antagonist tu,kan? kan?Ape yang you fobia sangat huh?Maths takkan makan you sayang,you yang akan makan they all pasal maths=money.dgn money tu nanti you akan beli rumah ke..kereta ke..barang keperluan ke..hehe.You kata nak jadi kaya,nak bawak parents you tunaikan haji kan?So Nina,you as an older sister kena buktikan pada ma dan abah and adik-adik you tu! Please..!

Oh ya,last but not least..nanti kalau ada duit banyak tu,rajin2 la bayar zakat..sedekah duit kat orang-orang yang memerlukan.Jangan lah you berjalan dengan sombong atas muka bumi ni,sebab semua ni milik mutlak ALLAH.Bukan milik you,tahu! So rezeki kena kongsi!:)

em...ilmu ni kan Cik Nina,kalau you tak ikhlas terima dia,dia pun tak ingin la datang dekat dengan you.So ingat,menuntut ilmu adalah satu taknak ek buat ibadah dengan ikhlas?You taknak ganjaran yang Allah janjikan?Ah what?I tak dengar la?You nak ek..ok ok,kalau you nak,you mesti ikhlas Nina,jangan merungut-rungut."Ah susah la maths nie.."Please stop wont help even a bit.
Mencarut..hai Cik Nina..sedar tak you kuat mencarut walaupun you tu perempuan.?Perkataan wadefak,vavi,whatthehell,shit tu selalu keluar dari mulut mungil you kan?I pelik tak rasa berdosa ek?You tahu tak,.perkara tu semua menggelapkan hati you?You sedar tak?Sebab tu la hati you gelapYou ni kan..tahu dosa,tapi you buat jugak.I pelik la.So lepas ni,stop using the cursing words,tambah dosa you lagi adalah.Adakah kalau you kalah perbicaraan or kalau you gagal dapatkan alibi,you akan mencarut?Semestinya tidak,kan?kan?You nak ke you dikenali dengan imej kotor?tak nak kan?so..please stop tambah dosa.=='

Last words untuk letter ni,

"What do you achieves in the future are from the hardwork from your past,"

insya allah,will be a better muslimah and a better hardworking student!:)

nota kaki:harap ini bukan cakap2 kosong cik nina lagi lah ye.i dah sakit telinga dengar cita-cita dia yang melangit tapi pemalas tak ingat!hmpph=='

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Special post dedicated to:Ikmal Unnie,aka my forever BFF!:)

As salam readers,blogwalkers,friends and cassies!:)
Dah lama i tak update kan kan?(tiba-tiba guna i,Nina must be a retarded today==)
ok ok,hari ni i nak dedicated-kan post ni buat Ikmal bff.
Hah,hari ni dia nak pi UPM dah.further study la.
Dalam course ape?cuba teka cuba teka.
Ok lah,i bagitahu you all,dia ni ambik course Sains Pertanian,asasi i mean!
all hail to bakal petani moden! kekeke.
Ok lah you all,hari ni i akan singkap semula sejarah dulu-dulu.
Kami ni kenal sejak darjah satu(6 tahun to be exact) pasal kami berjiran.
So bila dah jiran tu,selalu la amin masak-masak sama,hehe.
Lepas tu darjah satu sampai enam,kami sekelas,kat SKBR.
Dia ni pengawas,i ni murid takde jawatan je,sebab i nakal.hehehe
So,dia genius tahu! Dia ni macam cikgu i la..ajar i sana sini,itu ini.
Kami pergi tuisyen pun dekat rumah Cikgu Ros.:)
Ok,masa form one kami terpisah,dia pergi TAHAP,kononnya jadi budak sekolah agama .kahkahkah.
5 bulan lepas tu dia muncul kat sekolah i,SMART,
Jadi budak arab.
Form two,kami masuk hostel dengan tak berapa nak rela.=='
Satu dorm,dia bilik depan i bilik belakang,
form three,form four,form five pun kami dorm lain-lain.whatthefish=='
And form five,kami sekelas,tak la duduk sebelah2,
dia duduk depan i punya ex-bf(ngghhh--) 
disebabkan i budak-budak lagi masa tu so i tarik muka dengan dia
bila nampak dia baik dengan ex-bf i.ciss je kan i ni?Bodoh kan?
sorry unnie,that was a big mistakes by me.T___T lain kali x wat lagi dah.:)
Lepas tu,dia ni boleh kata genius la,dalam kelas kami she's a top 5 student.
Dia cikgu maths i(pasal i elergik gila dengan maths,tapi i terpaksa belajar)tapi i tak faham kenapa dia garang macam singa betina,kekeke.Mungkin sebab kelembapan i kot.kekeke
Pastu masa spm,duduk sebilik,dia ajar i jugak,
Subjek yang i satu level dengan dia adalah BI dan BM dan..history.
Yang lain i bawah pada dia lah ok,jangan tanya i kenapa,i sangat2 malas nak study hard dulu.==
Lepas tu,dia dapat matrik pahang,i dapat matrik johor.jauh lagi.i sedih sebenarnya tapi i pura-pura tak sedih.i kan the biggest egoist.bak kata dia lah.
Lepas tu bila UPU keluar,dia dapat asasi sp.i tak dapat.again,that was not my rezeki.Allah has stated that i punya rezeki kat matrik johor,:)
Lepas tu kan,i nak bagitahu you something ni Unnnie,
nanti you pergi UPM tu jangan lupakan i tahu?
I sayang you gilalah,you're my bestfriend,forever!
i tak tahu you anggap i ape but i sincerely sayang you.
walaupun a tons of friends i ada,tapi you tetap satu dalam hati i,kahkahkah(please not misunderstand,i bukan les,that's my way of expressing love.i sangat open.kekeke)
You jaga diri tau,jangan gatal-gatal sangat kat kl tu,i tanak u lupa diri.
and lastly belajar sungguh2,nanti you boleh jadi doktor ke..ape ke.
Ok lah,u jangan muntah depan komputer sebab i guna bahasa yang menggelikan ni.
Ok ok,last words,i sayang u and jangan lupakan i!
Jangan lupa contacc i tahu! you lupa then i'll chop your head off!:)

you jangan menangis tahu baca post nie sebab i nyaris-nyaris menangis tahu!
oh ye,dan kami berkongsi lelaki yang sama,iaitu..penyanyi dan aktor Korea Selatan,Shim Changmin! kekeke

stay tuned ya!:)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Busy part II

As salam readers,peeps,blogwalkers and cassies,
Hi.I'm damn busy,seriously!
But,still have the time to update this blog!
okay okay,again,i will be going to JMC this 23rd may,hihi.
i'm glad i've prepared about 70% things that i need to settle off before going to JMC.
and and and..i went shopping with my girlfriend!
such an awesome day!
by the way nonie's going to UiTM Machang,Kelantan,
nema's going to UiTM Segamat,Johore,
Ikmal's going to UPM Serdang,Selangor,
Shady's going to UPNM Sungai Besi,Kuala Lumpur..
we're going on our seperate way..
don't forget me ya!

p/s":love ya so much.and the others,too.:)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hati ini menangis lagi.

Ok,ok,aku tahu,kau mesti terluka macam Han Dong Ju kan?
yelah..HDJ gila sayang kat isteri dia LDJ,
alih2 kena tinggal macam tu je.Alasan bodoh sangat.
kau terluka,aku tahu,
kau menangis,aku tahu,
kau sakit hati,aku tahu,
kau berubah,nanti kau akan fikir semua perempuan sangat bitch macam aku,aku tahu.

nak tahu kenapa aku 'fed up' dengan kau walaupun aku sayang kau?
sebab:kau balas mesej aku terlalu lambat.aku ulang,TERLALU
dan maaf,aku ini bukan jenis perempuan yang tahu bersabar,
20 minit lambat,aku tidak boleh terima.sorry.really.itu aku,ya,itu aku!

Aku,aku bukanlah Lee Da Ji..
tetapi aku ada satu persamaan dengan LDJ,
iaitu aku tetap sayang kau,aku tak boleh buang kau dari hati aku
dan aku,
aku juga terasa sakit,sakit hati seperti yang kau rasa,
malah lagi sakit sebab terpaksa buat macam ni kat kau.
ok?Tetapi serius,aku dimarahi teman2 dan emak saudaraku yang mahu melihat kita bahagia berdua.
Aku rela menghadapi kemarahan mereka..memang,ini semua salah aku,aku mengaku.

satu perkara yang pasti tentang kita:Kita ego,sangat egois.Dan kau lagi ego kerana kau lelaki.kan?
ikmal kata,kita terlalu ego.ya,dia benar.Dia menilai aku dari dalaman dan luaran.dia kawan baik aku sekian lama.hmm.Katanya lagi,kita patut duduk berbincang,selesaikan dan bina semula hubungan ini.
aku:*sigh* kau takkan nak a very bitchy woman macam aku kan?

nota kaki:LDJ dan HDJ adalah watak dalam k-drama Paradise Ranch.:)kenapa ya kau bukan HDJ yang senang memaafkan kesalahan bekas isterinya LDJ dan kembali semula kepada LDJ?kenapa ya kau bukan HDJ?

TVXQ5 i mean their song is still played everywhere!:)

So,in the reference of the topic..
i assumed that peeps still love them..
even they are clearly on hiatus now.:)

last tuesday,when i was walking towards the escalator at Plaza Alam Sentral,
i heard TVXQ's 'Holding back the tears'(2004)

 was played and i was really shocked,
i thought 'wow,there's still a Malay cassies..'

And last thursday,when i was watching a wedding programme aired at tv3 at about 11:30 am..
they played TOHOSHINKI's 'doushite(2009) instrumental..
i love them..always! tried listening to their'll cry coz it's sooooo beautiful sang by 5 men,:)

Monday, May 09, 2011

Korean Pop Kingdom feat TVXQ :)

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom known as the Korean Pop Kingdom. There were 3 main provinces, SMTown, JYP Nation, and YG Family, and other smaller provinces such as DSP, FNC, and CUBE. The biggest province of all was SMTown, with Lee Soo Man as the ruler. One day he announced that there were be 5 royal idol princes, the Leadja Prince, the Dimple Prince, the Ulzzang Prince, the Duckbutt Prince, and the Baby Prince. People all over the kingdom would come to love them and even began to worship them. This religion was called Cassiopeia, and its followers "Cassies." Cassies were very kind and content with their idol princes, but lashed out violently at anyone who dared disrespect them. However, king LSM eventually stepped down from his throne into a lesser position and a new ruler who no one cared about (and to this day, no one seems to know his name) became king. the new king began to overwork and oppress the idol princes so that they became tired and weak, but the 5 idol princes kept a smiling face no matter how they felt so that their cassies did not have to worry.

Then the K-Pocalypse happened.

According to urban legend, the 5 idol princes often had discussions about how unfairly they were treated and eventually came up with an escape plan. They knew that they would be caught, and may not even be able to rule any province ever again, but they believed that it was crucial to get away from the new king and his court as soon as possible. After their "Mirotic" "insert something here cant think" was released, the Dimple prince, the Ulzzang Prince and the Duckbutt prince escaped the royal palace. A warrant was put out for their arrest and trial, and Cassiopeia was shattered. A war started between the Cassies, and the royal trial is still taking place today. Currently, the princes tried to take shelter in a different kingdom, the Japanese Pop kingdom, but their home province there, Avex Land, denied them refuge because they were working with the new king. their current province at the moment is an extremely small, unknown province (before they came along) named The Republic of CJeS. The SMTown court has tried to sabotage their activities many times, such as not being able to perform at "royal events" (music shows). They have put out a decree in the Great USA Kingdom.

No one is quite sure why the Leadja Prince and the Baby prince didn't go with the other princes. Perhaps it is because they still felt loyal to SMTown or they didn't want to take a huge risk and hurt their cassies. They are currently carrying on the same name of the brotherhood, TVXQ, even without creating a subgroup name or anything like that. They go on with their daily public lives as if the other princes never existed, but some say that the king has threatened them not to speak of the others, and that he has cut off any communication with the other princes... so they havent talked in about 2 years.

there are three denominations: the Hominites, the Jaechunsuans, and the Unitelists.

Hominites took the side of the Leadja prince and the baby prince, and they hate the other princes for hurting them.

Jaechunsuans took the side of the 3 other princes, and believe that they should wash their hands of SMTown and rule a different province while smacking Homin into the dust. although the princes believe that they can reunite with their brothers, the jaechunsuans want them to shoot that idea in the head and forget the others.

Unitelists are a variety of subdenominations, all sharing the belief that the members should not hate each other
-Reconciliasts believe that the brotherhood will be one again on the account of a prophecy the 3 other princes have made: ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH. it means that they will try everything they can to reunite themselves wit the other princes.
-Forgivitarians believe that a reconciliation is virtually impossible, but wish for the princes to make up one day and at least have a chance to talk to one another and hash their feelings out. they want the princes to make up with one another and be brothers again.
-JYJ Reconciliast or Forgivitarian means that their bias is JYJ, bu they do not hate the other group
-HoMin Reconciliast/Forgivitarian is the same.

other kingdoms have had problems like this (JYP Nation- the Dancing Prince and the One Day Royal Family/DSP Land and the SS501 princes/ Kara princesses) but this one is the most severe.

bigfootnote:so,which side are you? i'm homin reconciliast :) AKTF peeps!

busy.i'm a busy person now.serius sangat sibuk!

Assalamualaikum peeps and cassies and readers,
Dah lama aku tak update kan?
sorry2..memang tengah busy gila sekarang,
Maklumlah lagi 2 minggu nak ke matrik..
tapi bayarannya tak settle lagi..akaun bsn tak bukak lagi..
poyo je! LOL
ye ye,aku bakal jadi budak PDT,not PST..:(
jadi orang johor la yep nanti..lolz!
hm..borang-borang semua tak lengkapkan lagi..
memang aku akan buat last minute..
kehkehkeh.tiba-tiba rasa semangat nak pi matrik~
Doakan aku berjaya guys!:)
ok chow! nak settle lagi ape2 yang belum disettle nie!:D

nota kaki:oh yeah,selamat hari ibu ma!:) love u always!<3
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