Saturday, July 27, 2013

Y O U.

I went ecm.with my close friend,kat.we dressed femininely,and the second time I wore skirt when I was with my friends.

and we wandered in parkson,looking for some handbags for our raya.when suddenly I spotted someone.someone that I used to know.

it felt like my world gonna crumble apart,because the one I saw was my other half. I mean my ex-other half.

both of us avoided him,so we used another shortcut to reach the cinemas.and I asked kat,why did she avoided him,because she apparently have no reasons to do so.

and she said that it was for me.she didn't want me to get hurt.or him to get hurt.thanks,pal.

when I spotted him,i was flabergastered.he haven't change at all.tall,and still I miss his sweet smile.and i'm surprised that my heart beats rapidly,thumping here and there,and of course I still have the remain feeling for him.i wasn't able to give my heart like I gave him to others.

and I am happy because he seems to live happily,even without me.
may jodoh and fate will connect us together again,just like an old time.amin.

that was the side story.

we went to watch pacific rim.though it was a bit pricey,but it's worth the ringgit.(it was actually like gorillas but much more in a modern versions).I love the characters,especially the jaeger.(jaeger in Germany means the hunter).This jaegers was piloted by skillfull pilots known as jaeger need two pilots or else it can't be,it uses the application of cognitive and neurological science to allow the jaeger to be used in wars with the kaijus.(giant beast).
I don't wanna be a spoiler so you should watch it for yourself.i was screaming in excitement everytime the jaegers fought the kaijus. (source)

Monday, July 15, 2013


assalamualaikum reader(s),
ni nak habaq mai sikit
aku tengah penasaran plus dilema plus keliru plus pening.
dapat offers to both RU,USM dgn UTM
alhamdulillah unexpected rezeki.
tapi masalah pulak timbul lepas tu.
aku tak boleh nak buat keputusan dengan tepat.
samada nak pi penang,tempat abah aku belajar dulu,
ataupun skudai,johor yang aku sayangi sejak zaman matrik
course?sama tapi tak serupa
aku keliru dengan cita cita sendiri
sebab aku ni jenis cepat pasionnate dan akan jadi sudden-genius kalau dah obses sangat dengan satu2 benda tu
dekat penang tu,dapat course yang dah lama diidamkan
dekat skudai pulak,lebih kurang jelah
kalau pilih penang,skop kerjaya sempit la sikit kan?
tapi oklah dari takde kerja langsung
boleh la jadi cikgu ke,researcher ke,
kalau skudai pulak,
boleh kerja kilang,jadi cikgu,researcher
hmm mana satu ye?dua dua aku tak kisah.
sebab takut jugak dengar cerita kawan,dekat u semua benda jadi tough
dan ketakutan kedua,dengan subjek maths.
tapi yelah kan,kalau usaha,mesti boleh punya
sebab aku rasa aku ni takdelah bodoh mana pun maths tu.
cuma malas je.memang kalau jadi budak fbme ni kena rajin la.
tapi rasa macam hati tu berat kat skudai je,
in sha allah keputusan akan dibuat nanti.
hah lupa nak tanya mr domino
biasanya dia punya opinion memang aku setuju walaupun ayat2 dia pedas macam tergigit lada jarum
tapi tulah,orang sibuk praktikal,segan nak kacau.
eh mana dia ye?dia memang taknak bagi opinion ke macam mana?nak mesej kredit sikit.nak skype lagilah malas.
ahh nanti2 la aku mesej.tunggu dia tak busy.
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