Friday, March 25, 2011

ya allah,tensionnye aku!

      apa sebenarnya berlaku pd upu aku ek?smpai sekarang aku takleh apply.ya allah.sedih sgt2.dia tanak kasi aku msuk u ke hape?aku tawla harapan aku tipis nk msuk matrik,tp please jgn buat aku mcm ni.nak nanges dah nie masalhnye?aku harap esok boleh setel la..ameen~


ogy said...

u hv a blog. tak bgtau pn ! eeee. btw, everyone ade their own falls and ups. just be strong and berdoa byk2. everythings gonna be fine. the only 'the end' is when u die. :)

dinieezyane said...

rleklah. laman web kerajaan memang macam tu. selalu buat hal. nak mohon ptptn pun susah.

nignagger said...

to sis ogy the cockcroach,LOLZ,
sorry tak cakap.lupe,tahu,mmg hidup ni ade ups and down pon.mcm roda kan?kejap di atas kejap di bwh..insyaallah everything's gonna be fine:) i'll always pray for that.

nignagger said...

to dinie,
oh,ptptn pon kene mohon ke?ingat dapat automatik.hahaha.tah pape fikiran aku ni.ok ok.kau selalu suruh aku rlek kan?aku takleh la nk rlek mcm kau tp insya allah aku try.:)

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