Friday, June 28, 2013

truth to be told.

hi.and assalamualaikum
today i went to cinema with my girls.(sorry ayat macam nak start karangan,it was so awkward).we watched pee mak.and told ya,that was the funniest thai movie.we went with exora,because it has enough seat for usual we were chatting about girls' stuffs and suddenly they talked about the sensitive topic-my ex.yes,my motokare.almost everyone in the car sighed when fend's name being blurted out by kat.they were disgaree with me,saying that i should not remember him anymore as it has been two years since we broken up.i;m going to defend it,but again,i's not because too many of them disagree with me,but it's my heart tells me not to intuition tells me to believe in jodoh.and qada' and qadar.i'm practicing it a long time before but when being condemned by the girls,my confidence seems to fade away.and when u bring up why kat and wan can still take a picture together although they were lover,they believe i'm jealous.hell yeah,who wouldn't engulf in jealousy right?why can't fend and me being like that?does he hate me that much?yes people change..but that one person  i'd always cherished whatever the situation is him.the only one.shall i call him my jodoh?my other half?my baby-boo?oh whatever.and and i selalu berangan,if i'm still with him,i'm going to cook his favourite dishes,then hantar ke rumah dia.i'm going to do anything.and when kat said he loves someone's else smile,my heart hurts..a lot.yes because i just realized i actually treasures him very much .but it's too late.too late to do anything.but  i'm still going to believe my intuition.gonna do some istikharah.mintak dengan sha allah kalau memang jodoh akan dapat balik dia tu.biar dia degil mana pun.biar hati dia taknak pun.ya allah aku yakin pada perancanganMU.amin.

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